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Thomas* is a direct employee of U.Va. who says that many of his co-workers are in dire situations. “I think we should have a food drive for U.VA. employees. I think that students should collect school supplies, and food and clothing to distribute to employees…there are people who would take that. There are people who need that. There are people who work full-time at U.Va. and go to the food bank to get food. I know a lot of people in the department where I work who would be happy to take that. I know guys making $20,000 a year trying to raise kids who just aren’t making it.” While U.Va. touts ‘wage progress,’ Thomas points out the basic issue that confronts a lot of employees.  “The problem is that so many workers get locked into the low wage that stays there… you end up losing ground financially because of inflation and such… and so a lot of people are making less money then they were making years ago.”



Why aren’t more employees speaking out? Thomas told the Campaign: “U.Va. doesn’t do a good job of tolerating dissent…Do I feel safe speaking up? To you, as anonymous person, I do… but to speak publicly would mean not doing what I do anymore.  I would be singled out and dealt with…  We can expect to be retaliated against without question. There is no fallback position for a lot of people. The University is it for a lot of people.” Throughout the interview, Thomas repeatedly emphasized his desire to remain anonymous. He goes on: “There is no collective bargaining, there’s no worker’s voice and anyone who makes a lot of noise sees the door… it’s the little guy against the giant and the University has all the good cards and they play them. They weed out people that are a problem.”


In his time at U.Va., Thomas has seen U.Va. contract out more and more to private employers. He tells the Campaign that “it absolves the University of responsibility for anything. It is a great back-door way to be doing everything that used to be done by salaried people with healthcare on the cheap. This is a move that I have seen in the years that I have been at U.Va. It is an unconscionable thing. I don’t understand how U.Va. can defend that position… another thing you see is more and more temporary workers who remain temporary workers without benefits of any kind for years and years.”


Thomas notes the huge divide between U.Va. values and its behavior. “Aren’t we supposed to be the shining beacon on the hill. Aren’t we supposed to be better here? That is one of the reasons that I thought it would be good to work here… the ‘caring community,’ President Sullivan talks a lot about the caring community… let’s close that gulf between principle and practice. When you have these lofty goals, but you don’t live them, it doesn’t do anybody any good. What good are U.Va.’s values if we don’t live up to them?  Hundreds of hundreds people are just scraping by.”


March 1, 2012

Chrissy* has been working at the University for less than ten years – but the whole time has been stressful. She explained to the campaign “they don’t know how to treat you right.” Most of her co-workers are stressed out, continuously discussing the amount of pay. People who live within the Charlottesville area and outside of the Charlottesville area discuss the same struggles. People, man or woman, black or white are all stressed out for the same reason. Why? Because the pay is horrible. The wage should be better, as the University has the ability seen in the size of it and its other projects and priorities. But Chrissy lives paycheck to paycheck like many of her employees and gets the lowest wage. It’s difficult to find other jobs, especially during this harsh economy and especially while supporting a family.


But while supporting her family, her children has to help her pay her bills – otherwise, she would not be able to do it. There are opportunities for 2-3 hours of overtime, but it’s not worth it because the commute is so long and the pay isn’t enough of an incentive. Why doesn’t Chrissy speak out? After the last academic year, the campaign explains to Chrissy that the University released a “Freedom of Speech” statement protecting University workers rights to speak out. University administrators also told the Campaign that there would be a concerted effort to publicize this “Freedom of Speech” statement to employees. To Chrissy's knowledge, there has been no effort by the University to publicize worker’s rights to speak out. Also, when discussing with Chrissy about the “pay hike” from last summer, Chrissy explained that many of the people who have been working here longest did not receive the hike because of a loophole in the payment system.



February 29, 2012

Maya* begins her interview with “Overworked and underpaid”. Maya, a contracted employee, admits that working at the University would be better if employees procured more respect from their superiors. But employees are often told to do more, are hassled more, and given less and less benefits as years develop. She explains that when she started at the University she was paid $2.50 and promised an incremental raise every year. But as that promise has been broken, she feels disrespected simultaneously for no one taking her seniority into account. She is often supervised by individuals both younger and less dedicated in her opinion.


She feels pride in her job and her relationship to the students she serves, but disappointed in her employer. She explains that she has seen them throw away applications of Charlottesville residents who have previously worked at the University and explains it within the context of racism and classism. She believes that men get more opportunities and the chance for more compensation but also gives stories of where men were unrightfully terminated for nuanced situations. She feels that state employees are treated better, and even though she may receive slightly more take  home pay, they receive more respect and benefits. She believes that she is somewhat being cheated, which is wrong because she truly is loyal to her employer and to the students.


February 28, 2012

Lynd* is a contracted university employee working for over two decades. She works two jobs.  Lynd starts her story off by explaining that she worked at another location on Grounds, but was moved to her recent location under false pretenses and little choice. Not only was she given no choice, her hours were dramatically changed making it harder to make her hour commute home every day. 

She explains that the contracted employer makes it clear that employees do not work for the University, therefore do not deserve the same benefits as direct hirers. But this relationship is muddied as many of the state hired employees are somewhat convinced to work for the contracted employer.

She attributes most of the institutional disrespect to the contracted employer and UVa for lack of hindsight. She also attributes issues of respect to supervisor/managerial level staff who often refuse to train employees for higher positions. And although she acknowledges her lack of education, she also acknowledges the amount of hard work many of the employees put into running the University. Though she does not work for the University directly, she stays under her contracted employers to serve the people and students because she enjoys doing so. She also noted that certain contracted employers on grounds take special advantage of immigrant employees who lack English speaking skills. She says that male and female employees in her bracket are disrespected on the same level. Most of these critiques she says have procreated more recently, as nationally the contracted employer has a better reputation, but locally they have deteriorated.


February 27, 2012

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